Pagan ritual at winter solstice

Around 200 members of the society gathered at Öskjuhlíð at …

Around 200 members of the society gathered at Öskjuhlíð at winter solstice to perform a blót under the wakeful eye of the moon.

The Ásatrú society of Iceland celebrated winter solstice yesterday, December 21st, with a ceremony in Öskjuhlíð in Reykjavík. According to allsherjargodi Hilmar Örn Hilmarsson an Ásatrú temple will begin to rise in February or March in Öskjuhlíð, a hill in central Reykjavik covered in woodland. 

Around 200 members of the society gathered at Öskjuhlíð at winter solstice to perform a blót under the wakeful eye of the moon. The blót ceremony began by a calling out to gods, goddesses and supernatural beings for strength, and a toast was proposed to their health with a drinking horn passed between members. A slice of lamb was eaten at the ceremony. 

The Ice­landic Ásatrú fol­lows the be­lief sys­tems of the Old Norse re­li­gion, or ger­manic neo­pa­gan­ism. The Ásatrú so­ci­ety was founded in Ice­land in 1972 by farmer Svein­björn Bein­teins­son and ini­tially had 12 mem­bers.


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