Celebrating a year of #freet­henipple

On March 26th last year, students, mothers and even politicians …

On March 26th last year, students, mothers and even politicians bared their breasts on social media and in public to protest nudity double standards. Mbl.is/ Eggert Jóhannesson

This Saturday is the formal anniversary of freeing the Icelandic female nipple, a day when students urged the women of the nation to bare their nipples to desexualise them and protest against the taboo that bared women's nipples have in a public space. 

College students, mothers, and a politician posted photos of their exposed breasts to join teenage students  in protesting nudity double standards and body shaming. 

To mark the one year anniversary of this feminist movement in Iceland the organisers of #freethenipple are hosting an event at Laugardalslaug swimming pool in Reykjavik between 13- 16 on Saturday afternoon. 

A text on the Facebook event states: "Why shouldn't women have the power over their own bodies? Why are they called "attention-seeking, "seductive" and much worse things? Society has taught us that a female breast is something to hide and is only meant for the people we sleep with. And to feed babies - as long as noone sees them doing it!" 




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