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Nemendur við samræmd próf. Mynd úr safni.
Nemendur við samræmd próf. Mynd úr safni. Eyþór Árnason

Getur þú þýtt þennan texta hér að neðan svo vel sé eins og ætlast var af 15 ára gömlu barni í samræmdu prófi í ensku í haust?

Í ályktun sem tungumálakennarar á Norðurlandi sendu frá sér í gær var samræmda prófið í ensku gagnrýnt harðlega og telja kennararnir að prófið hafi ekki verið í samræmi við Aðalnámskrá grunnskóla, né staðist grunnskólalög. 

Í ályktun kennarana var sýndur texti úr prófinu sem nemendur áttu að þýða. 

…In high country like the Snowline Ranch where Miner works, temperatures can seesaw from 80°F to 8°F in a single day, and so pneumonia is a constant threat. It occupies Miner´s attention as he rides through the cattle. If some of them get caught in a downpour during cold weather, he´s fatally behind the curve. He must seize upon the earliest symptom: that lone calf amid the lurching sea of fur and fat with a single drooping ear, at which point Miner´s horse separates the calf from the others and the cowboy swings his long rope. Catch the calf with the first loop, reach for the meds in the saddlebag, inject the Nuflor. Done right, the calf barely notices, returns to the herd and by the end of October is 600 pounds and received by his owner with an approving half smile…

Jafnframt áttu nemendurnir að þýða orð eins og 

ubiquitous, accompaniment, sedentary, concocted/conconctions, solemnly, toppled, huddled, munches, sombereyed, lurching, postmodern/transmodern, artifact, arm-drag, ambitions, arrogance, anticipation, capability, concentration, simultaneous, scrawl, succumb, ploy, intrigued. 

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