Hvetja fleiri fjölskyldur til að ferðast

Fjölskyldan í Noregi.
Fjölskyldan í Noregi. skjáskot/Instagram

Hjónin Matthew og Chelsea Gillespie seldu allar sínar eignir vorið 2017 og í júní lögðu þau af stað á flakk um heiminn. Þau eiga tveggja ára dóttur, Kailen, sem kom með í ferðalagið. 1. október síðastliðinn höfðu þau verið á ferðalagi í 18 mánuði samfellt.

Matthew er tölvunarfræðingur og getur því unnið hvar sem er í heiminum. Gillespie-fjölskyldan átti heima í San Diego í Kaliforníu í Bandaríkjunum en fannst of dýrt að eiga heima þar og ákváðu því að breyta til og gera eitthvað nýtt.

Þau halda úti vefsíðu, Unsettle Down, þar sem þau aðstoða fólk við að finna sér vinnu sem það getur unnið hvar sem er í heiminum, líkt og Matthew. Á síðunni segja þau að það sé markmið þeirra að veita öðrum fjölskyldum innblástur til að ferðast um heiminn. 

Fjölskyldan heldur einnig úti fallegri Instagram-síðu þar sem hún birtir myndir af ferðalögum sínum. Um þessar mundir er fjölskyldan stödd í Edinborg í Skotlandi.

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Have you ever heard of “Fret, Dreich, Drookit, or Snell?” Well, today we learned these are all words to describe the dreary and sometimes downright miserable Scottish weather. . So far, it’s not so bad - a bit chilly, a bit wet, but still beautiful. Good thing we’re all geared up with @revolutionrace. So bring on the rain! . . . #unsettledown #dreich #scotland #uk #unitedkingdom #travelgram #instatravel #travelphotography #familytravel #travelwithkids #travel #beautifuldestinations #fashionblogger #fashionista #visitedinburgh #daddydomlittlegirl #parenthood_moments #childrenoftheworld #childhoodunplugged #camera_mama #magicofchildhood #clickinmoms #worldschooling #worlderlust #sahm #digitalnomad #instatravel #rtw #explorer #exploreeverything #backpacking

A post shared by Nomads ➳ Chelsea, Matt, + Kai (@unsettledown) on Oct 18, 2018 at 11:01am PDT

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A post shared by Nomads ➳ Chelsea, Matt, + Kai (@unsettledown) on Sep 1, 2018 at 2:47am PDT

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This weeks Whine Wednesday brought to you by Kailen’s epic meltdown over her spoon being too large. Yesterday it was because she wanted to pour her own milk. The day before because Matt sat in the wrong seat on the bus. . Yes, our life is full of moments like this. Just like every family, we have our good and our bad days. No matter where our home is, it’s hard teaching tiny humans to be kind, control their emotions, and communicate effectively. . But let’s end on a positive note... toddlers are so damn funny and cute and that mostly makes up for their irrationality. Kai’s quote wins the day with “Mommy, I’m not whining, I’m just pretend whining.” 🙄 Well, here’s to all you parents out there “pretend wining” tonight too 🍷#whinewednesday . . . . #unsettledown #winewednesday #worldschooling #digitalnomad #magicofchildhood #candidchildhood #momblogger #motherhoodthroughinstagram #mytinymoments #instatravel #travelgram #travelwithkids #familytravel #instagood #worldschooling #workfromhome #germany #travel #travelblogger #nuremberg #toddlerlife #toddlermom #toddlermoments #wanderlust #familygoals #rawmotherhood #family #mytinyatlas #jetsetter

A post shared by Nomads ➳ Chelsea, Matt, + Kai (@unsettledown) on Sep 19, 2018 at 1:39pm PDT

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