Fékk vegan-brjóstamjólk frá ókunnugri konu

Kat Von D.
Kat Von D. mbl.is/COVER

Stjörnuhúðflúrlistakonan Kat Von D eignaðist barn með manni sínum Leafar Seyer í síðasta mánuði. Hin nýbakaða móðir lenti í vandræðum með brjóstagjöf fyrstu dagana og fékk að lokum brjóstamjólk frá ókunnugri konu en Von D sem er vegan vildi sleppa formúlumjólk og gerði þá kröfu að ókunnuga konan væri á plöntufæði. 

Von D skrifaði þakklætispistil á dögunum og þakkaði konunni sem gaf henni brjóstamjólk. Segir hún fyrstu tvo dagana fyrir son sinn hafa verið erfiða, blóðsykurinn hafi fallið. Eins mikið og hún hafi viljað gefa honum mjólk sína kom hún ekki. 

Barnalæknir hafi þá bent foreldrunum á að spyrjast fyrir um hvort einhver vina þeirra ætti aukamjólk ef ekki þyrfti að grípa til formúlu, eitthvað sem þau vildu alls ekki. Von D hafði samband við ljósmóður sína sem setti hana í samband við konu á plöntufæði sem bjargaði Von D fyrstu dagana. 

Von D fór að framleiða mjólk á degi fimm og gefur nú syni sínum brjóst heima hjá sér. Segist hún hlakka til að launa greiðann áfram. Hún tók það fram að hún dæmir ekki fólk sem notar formúlumjólk og vill því ekki láta dæma sig fyrir að deila þessari sögu sinni. 

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During the first two days of Leafar’s life, his blood sugar count had been low, and as much as I had committed myself to strictly breastfeed, my milk hadn’t come in yet. The pediatrician suggested asking around to see if any friends might have a bit of extra milk they could donate - and if not, I’d have to consider supplementing with formula - something we personally did not want to do. I called my beloved midwife, @losangelesmidwife to see if she knew anyone who might be willing to share a bit of their breastmilk who was on a plant-based diet, as that was crucial to us, and she quickly connected me with @mattersofmotherhood who, without even knowing me, and without question, stepped up and donated a few ounces to us in the middle of the night. Needless to say, Leafar’s levels boosted, and we are now happily breastfeeding at home. Can’t thank @mattersofmotherhood enough for getting us through those rough nights with your donation. This is true community. True sisterhood. True kindness. And I can’t wait to pay it forward one day soon. 🖤 ***UPDATE: just to address a few misconceptions about my caption. First, I’m not shaming anyone who chooses to use formula. Just like I would never shame anyone for the food they ate or anything for that matter. So, please don’t shame me for sharing our personal approach to nursing. Second, I did not starve my baby for his first two days of life. I’m not mad at ya’all who attacked me about it -because clearly you may not be familiar with how breast feeding works and that’s ok! I wasn’t either until I got pregnant! :) but for the first 2.5 days my breasts were producing colostrum (not the same thing as milk) and it’s absolutely normal for mom’s milk not to come in until day 5 sometimes. With that being said, my little one just needed to get through one night’s worth of feedings with supplemented donors milk. And I’m happy to report my milk came in shortly after that! So thanks for all the love and support everyone! Let’s keep it positive! ***

A post shared by 𝐊𝐀𝐓 𝐕𝐎𝐍 𝐃 (@thekatvond) on Dec 5, 2018 at 1:00pm PST

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