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Rachel McAdams eignaðist barn í apríl.
Rachel McAdams eignaðist barn í apríl. AFP

Rachel McAdams prýðir nýjustu forsíðu Girls.Girls.Girls. Þegar myndirnar af leikkonunni voru teknar var sonur hennar sex mánaða og hún enn með hann á brjósti. Ljósmyndarinn Claire Rothstein myndaði hana á flottri mynd með brjóstapumpu á brjóstunum í hátískufatnaði en hún segir McAdams hafa þurft að mjólka sig á milli þess sem myndir voru teknar af henni. 

Rothstein birti myndina á Instagram þar sem hún vildi vekja athygli á að brjóstagjöf sé það eðlilegasta í heimi. Hún segir að það þurfi ekki endilega útskýra myndina en vildi bara vekja athygli á því enda sumir sem hræðast brjóstagjöf.  

Ljósmyndarinn tekur það einnig fram að hún hafi engan veginn litið eins vel út og McAdams þegar hún sjálf var að gefa brjóst. Sem er kannski skiljanlegt þar sem McAdams var með heilt förðunarteymi á bak við sig og klædd í föt frá Versace á myndinni. 

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A million reasons why I wanted to post this picture. Obviously #rachelmcadams looks incredible and was quite literally the dream to work with but also this shoot was about 6 months post her giving birth to her son, so between shots she was expressing/pumping as still breastfeeding. We had a mutual appreciation disagreement about who’s idea it was to take this picture but I’m still sure it was hers which makes me love her even more. Breastfeeding is the most normal thing in the world and I can’t for the life of me imagine why or how it is ever frowned upon or scared of. I don’t even think it needs explaining but just wanted to put this out there, as if it even changes one person’s perception of something so natural, so normal, so amazing then that’s great. Besides she’s wearing Versace and @bulgariofficial diamonds and is just fucking major. Big shout out to all the girls 💪🏽 #rachelmcadams for @girls.girls.girls.magazine cover shoot 📸 @clairerothstein #pleaseshare Side note: I did not look anywhere near as fabulous as this when feeding/pumping. And that’s ok too. Stylist: @alicialombardini 👠 . #girlsgirlsgirlsmag #girlsgirlsgirls #bringingbackthewoman #nogrungejustglamour #independentmagazine #printisnotdead #normalisebreastfeeding #normalizebreastfeeding #breastfeeding #life #women #versace #bulgari

A post shared by Claire Rothstein Photographer (@clairerothstein) on Dec 18, 2018 at 1:11am PST

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