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Yndislega fallegur hvolpur eftir Helga Stentzel.
Yndislega fallegur hvolpur eftir Helga Stentzel.

Sjónlistakonan Helga Stenzel hefur látið ljós sitt skína að undanförnu. Hún er snillingur í að búa til sjónlist úr mat. Hún hefur gert sem dæmi hund úr káli, gamaldags tölvu úr samlokubrauði og þannig mætti lengi áfram telja. 

Það er eitthvað svo einstaklega eðlilegt og fallegt við listina sem á sérlega vel við til að fá hugmyndir að einhverju fallegu til að útbúa fyrir m.a. börnin sem geta verið afar matvönd.

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Many artists argue that with a well-curated Instagram account you don't really need a personal website anymore 📱✅ And I agree - but just as long as you show most of your projects on the app and are happy with its chronological grid. Since I work with clients from different industries, it is very important to me to be able to split my visuals into relevant categories: food art, DIY, conceptual photography and so on. That's why a link to my Instagram page doesn't always do the job when I need to highlight a particular category. In the past I used to copy and paste links to individual projects and send them to clients as a long list of underlined blue text 💤 You can imagine how much I hated this repetitive, boring and time-consuming process! And now imagine my joy being able to build a @Wix website with a gallery, a store and an Instagram plug-in (very important, right?). As an artist, I started with a blank canvas. But if you aren't, you'd be amazed by the selection of beautiful, clean templates to choose from! All @Wix websites are well-designed, easy to navigate, but most importantly, they are also super-easy to update and edit. No coding skills required - which is a relief for someone with a peaboard⌨😅 Have a look at what I've created and let me know what you think! There’s a lot of new visuals, check them out! #linkinbio #sponsored

A post shared by Helga Stentzel (@made_by_helga) on Jul 12, 2018 at 11:40am PDT

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I don’t know about you guys but I often find myself in the middle of a pasta disaster😱. First, I tend to overcook it (my apologies to the entire population of Italy!) and second, I often serve it with a wrong sauce 🙈 Luckily, a bunch of Italians decided to put people like me out of our misery and founded @pasta_evangelists 😋🍽 This London-based company makes delicious fresh pasta and delivers it with the right type of sauce (as well as herbs and grated cheese if the recipe’s calling for it!) So within minutes I whipped up an authentic Sardinian dish which looked amazing and tasted heavenly - thanks to Pasta Evangelists and a timer on my phone 😊 Have a browse through their menu - so inspiring! - and get £10 off with the code MADEBYHELGA10 #spaghettisnowman #ad #delicious

A post shared by Helga Stentzel (@made_by_helga) on Dec 22, 2017 at 12:50pm PST
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