Nýbakaðir foreldrar kynntust í The Bachelor

Luyendyk-hjónin létu taka mynd af sér á spítalanum rétt áður …
Luyendyk-hjónin létu taka mynd af sér á spítalanum rétt áður en dóttirin kom í heiminn og birtu á samfélagsmiðlum. skjáskot/Instagram

Inn á milli ganga sambönd sem verða til í Bachelor-þáttunum upp. Á miðvikudaginn greindi fyrrverandi piparsveinninn Arie Luyendyk frá því að ávöxtur eins slíks sambands væri kominn í heiminn. Eiginkona hans Lauren fæddi stúlkubarn 29. maí. 

Stúlkan fékk nafnið Alessi Ren Luyendyk en foreldrarnir hafa verið duglegir að birta myndir af dóttur sinni síðan hún kom í heiminn. Þau voru reyndar líka dugleg að taka myndir af sér á meðgöngunni og birtu meðal annars mynd af sér þegar þau voru komin upp á spítala. 

Hjónin giftu sig í janúar en þau kynntust í 22. þáttaröðinni af The Bachelor sem sýnd var í fyrra. Þar fylgdust sjónvarpsáhorfendur spenntir með piparsveininum Arie Luyendyk finna sér konu. Upphaflega valdi hann Rebecca Kufrin en Lauren lenti í öðru sæti. Arie áttaði sig seinna á því að hann hefði valið vitlaust og fer það ekki milli mála hver var sú rétta enda blómstrar fjölskyldan nú. 

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This was first time she laid eyes on me and I’m forever changed ❤️ Alessi Ren Luyendyk

A post shared by Arie Luyendyk (@ariejr) on May 30, 2019 at 12:00am PDT

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A post shared by Arie Luyendyk (@ariejr) on May 28, 2019 at 10:52pm PDT

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Since finding out I was pregnant, I've been reading tons of books on motherhood, listening to advice from some of the most amazing moms I know, and have been trying to prepare myself as best I can for our little girl on the way. Pregnancy is the greatest gift, but it definitely comes with its challenges *cue the nausea, sleepless nights, body aches, etc.* It’s enough to get even the most optimistic of us down at times. I’ve personally found myself temporarily in a place of feeling alienated from time to time during this transitional period and I know there are some of you who can probably relate to that. Regardless of how ideal your situation may be or look to someone else, what brings us together is sharing in these experiences and letting our friends know it will all be worth it in the end. Heck, you will probably even miss the things that were hard for you to accept before! For me, it was hard to see my body change so drastically, but now I love my big belly and get emotional thinking about it not being there anymore. Same goes for when everyone tells me I’m not going to sleep or ever have any free time again. I know that will probably be true to some extent, but when our little angel is old enough to feed herself and doesn’t need me as much, I know I’ll miss the sleepless nights. All of these changes going on in my mind and body just remind me of how strong we as women can be and Mother's Day seemed like the perfect time to ask all of you for your best, no B.S. advice on motherhood. In honor of all moms, I am partnering with @ritual and they are donating to the What To Expect Foundation on my behalf - so spread the love and join in on the conversation below! 💛

A post shared by Lauren Luyendyk (@laureneburnham) on May 11, 2019 at 12:05pm PDT

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