Today is warmest day for a while in Reykjavik

Góðar líkur eru á því að hitinn eigi eftir að …

Góðar líkur eru á því að hitinn eigi eftir að fara yfir 10 stig í dag. Magnússon

"It's the warmest day in the forecast for a while," says a meteologist at the Iceland Met Office and says it's a perfect day to enjoy the outdoors. 

"We're in a warm current of air these days," says Teitur Arason at the Met Office. "It won't get this warm for a while."

Temperatures are at over 10 degrees in some pars of Iceland. But although spring is in the air today, spring is certainly not here yet.  March is a winter month in Iceland and snowfall is quite usual for Eastertime. 


Partly cloudy


11 °C

Clear sky


9 °C

Clear sky


8 °C