The first phase of City Line pushed back two years

Fyrsta framkvæmdalota borgarlínu kynntar - borgarlína.

Fyrsta framkvæmdalota borgarlínu kynntar - borgarlína. Teikning/Borgarlínan

The first phase of the project City Line has pushed back two years and will be in two stages. In an updated schedule that was announced today, the line from Hamraborg to downtown will be ready in 2026 and the line from Ártúnshöfði to downtown will be ready a year later in 2027. 

The original plan was that both lines were ready in 2025, so there will be no City Line buses driving from Ártúnshöfði to downtown until two years later.

The City should be able to do this faster

"This is a big blow but still not something completely unexpected because of how things have been taking way more time than was anticipated," says Sindri Freyr Ásgeirsson, who is the chairman of the Associaton of living without a car. 

He points out that a very intricate timeline had been in the original plan which has not held up at all. "This is quite upsetting," he says. He is still rooting for the City Line and hopes that the city will put more energy into it to get it going. 

"If it is possible to delay the project, then it must also be possible to put more money into it to do this faster."

Environmentally friendly transport

He says that with this considerable setback there are still many options for people who live their lives without a personal car. 

"You can take the regular bus, bicycle, walk and now there are also these scooters in the city and share a car," he says.

"It's not about thinking in all or nothing. You should just try to minimize your use of cars and try to have a more environmentally sound lifestyle."

The City Line project has been a hot topic and quite controversial and it was  one of the big issues in the City elections last May.




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