Neitar því að hafa beitt konuna ofbeldi

T.J. Miller neitar ásökunum.
T.J. Miller neitar ásökunum. ljósmynd/Imdb

Leikarinn T.J. Miller sem sló í gegn í sjónvarpsþáttunum Silicon Valley neitar ásökunum um að hafa beitt konu kynferðislegt obeldi árið 2001. Miller og eiginkona hans Kate Goreny hafa gefið frá sér yfirlýsingu þar sem þau neita ásökunum.

Í yfirlýsingu hjónanna segjast þau hafa kynnst þessari konu fyrir meira en áratug í háskóla og þar hafi þessi ónefnda kona reynt að stía þeim í sundur í meira en ár áður en hún kom fram með ásakanir. Þau segja jafnframt að hún hafi viljað mála Goreny sem fórnarlamb Millers. 

Í The Daily Beast segir konan að hún hafi átt í sambandi við Miller og að hann hafi beitt hana ofbeldi í kynlífi. Fyrrverandi kærasti konunnar staðfesti söguna, hann segist hafa trúað henni fyrir tíu árum og trúi henni enn í dag. Kona sem bjó með ónefndu konunni á þessum tíma man eftir atviki þar sem hún heyrði í ofbeldi í herbergi konunnar og Miller var þar inni með henni. 

Kate & T.J. Miller’s statement: We met this woman over a decade ago while studying together in college, she attempted to break us up back then by plotting for over a year before making contradictory claims and accusations.  She attempted to discredit both of our voices and use us against one another by trying to portray Kate to be a continuous abuse victim of T.J. (further efforts to hurt the two of us). She was asked to leave our university comedy group because of worrisome and disturbing behavior, which angered her immensely, she then became fixated on our relationship, and began telling people around campus “I’m going to destroy them” & “I’m going to ruin him.” We are confident that a full consideration of accounts from and since that time will shed light and clarity on the true nature of not only this person’s character, but also on the real facts of the matter. (See the e-mails referenced). We stand together in stating this is nothing more than an unfortunate resurgence of her lies designed to wreak havoc on two happily married people in the public eye. She began again to circulate rumors online once our relationship became public. Sadly she is now using the current climate to bandwagon and launch these false accusations again. It is unfortunate that she is choosing this route as it undermines the important movement to make women feel safe coming forward about legitimate claims against real known predators. We stand together and will not allow this person to take advantage of a serious movement toward gender equality by allowing her to use this moment to muddy the water with an unrelated personal agenda. We feel we all have an obligation now more than ever to prevent people from using reporters to spin lies into headlines, and focus instead on what is real. We both champion and continue to stand up for people everywhere who have truly suffered injustice seeking to have justice brought into their lives. - Kate & T.J. Miller

A post shared by T.J. Miller (@teenagemillionaire) on Dec 19, 2017 at 8:40am PST
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