Andlega þenkjandi nakinn prófessor

Nakti prófessorinn hvetur fólk til þess að vera það sjálft.
Nakti prófessorinn hvetur fólk til þess að vera það sjálft. skjáskot/Instagram

36 ára gamli Breti sem kallar sig nakta prófessorinn heldur úti vinsælli Instagram-síðu og reyndar heimasíðu þar sem hann birtir aðallega myndir af sér nöktum á fjölförnum stöðum. 

Gerir hann þetta til þess að hvetja fólk og þá sérstaklega karlmenn til þess að vera í betri tengingu við sjálfa sig. Áður fyrr var hann fastur í því að klifra metorðastigann en hætti því og sneri sér að andlegu hliðinni. 

Myndunum fylgja oft hvatning og lífsspeki en hann segist nota nektina til þess bæði að vekja athygli á því sem hann hefur að segja og til þess að sýna varnarleysi sitt, frelsi og sköpunarkraftinn sem hann skrifar um. 

Now as some of you may have noticed, my recent posts have been less nakedness & more mindfulness & meditation. As I often get asked why I am naked in the first place, I want to take a moment to talk about it🤷🏽‍♂️ * I want to change the perception of mental health, what it is & how we can improve it. I want to bring awareness to some of the detrimental ways we unconsciously choose to live & to inspire those of you who are looking for inspiration to choose a path in life that suits you better. It might sound corny but I mean it, I'm passionate about this way of being. * So my images are here to, well bring a bit of shock and uniqueness to your instagram feeds, but also to represent & empower the words that I share. How? Well they are representing my quest for freedom & my search to find the inner courage to remove any masks that I may have worn to fit in with society. I am here fully expressing myself, this is the naked, raw version of me, unapologetically myself. I’m making a stand in not being afraid of judgement, it shrinks my true persona & leads me to normalise myself to fit in with society's expectations. That way of being didn't work for me, I didn’t feel truly alive. My images represent the creative nature I have within, the burning fire I have inside me to do something remarkable in line with my own dreams, of no longing living in autopilot mode doing what I think I am supposed to do. * So I hope my images do two things for you, 1) shock or attract you into engaging with my profile & the messages I share, 2) tell a story of vulnerability, freedom & creativity that embody everything that I write about. He may not be the most obvious of philosophers but I heard John McEnroe say that there is a direct correspondence between success on the tennis court & how freely you express yourself when playing. I believe the same can be said for life, I’m here to express myself fully. * My images aren’t easy to get, they require persistence & an element of bravery, but I hope they tell a story & serve a purpose. They are here to stay, just perhaps not in every post, either way I will keep sharing with passion & purpose, thank you for joining me🙏🏼 * 📸@alin.ostafe

A post shared by The Naked Professor (@thenakedprofessor) on Mar 7, 2018 at 8:41am PST
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síðasta vika Vinsælustu hljóðbækurnar
Lone Theils
Anna Sundbeck Klav
Birgitta H. Halldórsdóttir
Kristina Ohlsson