Blindi lundinn Mundi allur

Mundi var sannkölluð samfélagsmiðlastjarna og átti fjölmarga aðdáendur víða um …
Mundi var sannkölluð samfélagsmiðlastjarna og átti fjölmarga aðdáendur víða um heim. Facebook-síða Munda lunda

Blindi lundinn Mundi, sem varð heimsþekktur eftir að hafa fundist slasaður í Reykjavík fyrir ári og komið í fóstur í Mosfellsbæ, er dauður. Mundi átti sér marga aðdáendur á samfélagsmiðlum og var tilkynnt um skyndilegt fráfall hans á Instagram í morgun.

„Það er með sorg í hjarta sem ég verð að tilkynna að Mundi lundi er fallinn frá,“ stendur í færslunni. Mundi fannst slasaður í vegkanti í Reykjavík í apríl í fyrra. Dýravinurinn Ásrún Magnúsdóttir tók fuglinn að sér og hefur sagt skemmtilegar sögur af honum í máli á myndum á samfélagsmiðlum allar götur síðan. Mundi hafði það gott hjá Ásrúnu. En í færslunni í morgun segir að í upphafi vikunnar hafi hann misst matarlystina. „Þetta gerðist svo skyndilega að ég held að ég sé enn í áfalli,“ stendur í færslunni. „Á miðvikudag versnaði honum, hélt engu niðri, svaf mikið og áður en dagurinn var úti þá var hann allur.“

Í færslunni stendur að hægt sé að hugga sig við það að Mundi hafi lifað ári lengur en horfur voru á eftir að hann slasaðist fyrir um ári. „Ég held að hann hafi átt dásamlegt ár með okkur.“

Svo segir: „Að hafa Munda var sannkallað ævintýri fyrir mig og í gegnum hann þá kynntist ég svo mörgu frábæru fólki sem ég nú lít á sem vini mína.“

Dear friends, - My heart is aching as I type this, and I grieve having to announce that Mundi the puffin has passed away. - It happened so suddenly which is why I guess I am still in bit of a shock. At the beginning of the week he started to lose his appetite - which wasn’t highly unusual, there came times where he was a very finicky eater. But I guess this was different. On Wednesday he took a turn for the worse; didn’t keep anything down, slept a lot and by the end of the day he just slipped away. - In a way it is a blessing that it all happened so fast. That way he didn’t suffer, though I miss him terribly and wish that there was something more I could have done for him. But I did all that I could and sometimes that just isn’t enough: The end comes for all of us, and it is highly probable that he was an elderly fella. We were never able to confirm his age. - We can rejoice in the fact that that Mundi survived a year longer than he would have if he hadn’t been taken in. He was nursed back to health after a bad accident and even though he was unable to return to the wild I like to think he had a wonderful year with us. - He was the only puffin in the world to swim in a hot tub, to go to a summer cabin and take car rides, which he seemed to enjoy. He was more than a simple seabird, he was more than a pet. He was a friend, a companion and an inspiration to so many. - I can hardly believe how many followers he gained over the past year and it warms my heart knowing how many smiles he must have made and how many days he brightened. I also think that he was probably the most photographed puffin in the world and my phone is chock full with images of him. I plan to keep his accounts active, in his memory. - Having Mundi was a real adventure for me and through him I got to know so many great people who I now consider friends. - Thank you for everything Mundi! - Now fly free little buddy, fly and dive and swim and do all the puffin things in the great beyond. - You will be missed ❤️❤️❤️

A post shared by Mundi The Puffin (@mundi_the_blind_puffin) on May 11, 2018 at 4:13am PDT

Facebook-síða Munda lunda

Fjallað var m.a. um Munda á dýravefsíðunni The Dodo.
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