A surprise stopover in Iceland

Kat took a selfie with the people that surprised her …
Kat took a selfie with the people that surprised her at the airport. Screenshot from the video.

Kat had no idea she was about to be stopped at the airport and taken on the journey of a lifetime in Iceland.

"The video is a starting point for our new campaign, #MyStopover. It is all about promoting Icelandair, our brand and our unique position internationally. It is going to be big and will mostly take place on social media," says Guðjón Arngrímsson, the PR officer of Icelandair about the company's latest campaign.

Do you know someone who deserves a surprise stopover in Iceland? Then go ahead and nominate them.

In the video, posted on Youtube yesterday, we meet Kat, who is traveling from Seattle through Iceland to London for work. When she lands in Keflavik Airport, planning to board her London plane a few hours later, Kat is surprised by a group of people.

They tell her that they are taking her on a 48 hour stopover in Iceland and tell her to pick her guide.

In the video Kat is seen having the time of her life in Iceland, doing various activities. 

The video has been watched over 107 thousand times since it was posted on Youtube yesterday.  

According to Guðjón, Icelandair has offered its passengers travelling accross the Atlantic to have a stopover in Iceland for over 50 years. "With this campaign we are putting the focus on the stopover and showing people that it is an exciting possibilitiy."

A part of the campaign is to people the opportunity to nominate someone they think deserve to get a surprise stopover in Iceland. According to Guðjón the idea is to possibly make more stories like the one about Kat. 


Iceland Monitor — Fleiri fréttir

Í gær

Þriðjudaginn 17. september

Mánudaginn 16. september

Sunnudaginn 15. september

Laugardaginn 14. september

Föstudaginn 13. september

Fimmtudaginn 12. september

Miðvikudaginn 11. september

Þriðjudaginn 10. september

Mánudaginn 9. september

Sunnudaginn 8. september

Laugardaginn 7. september

Föstudaginn 6. september

Fimmtudaginn 5. september

Miðvikudaginn 4. september

Þriðjudaginn 3. september

Mánudaginn 2. september

Sunnudaginn 1. september

Laugardaginn 31. ágúst

Föstudaginn 30. ágúst

Fimmtudaginn 29. ágúst

Miðvikudaginn 28. ágúst

Þriðjudaginn 27. ágúst

Mánudaginn 26. ágúst

Sunnudaginn 25. ágúst

Laugardaginn 24. ágúst