The largest earthquake so far

The event was localized in the northern/northwestern part of Bárðarbunga …
The event was localized in the northern/northwestern part of Bárðarbunga caldera.Árni Sæberg

Seismic activity continues to be high according to latest updates from the IMO.

The largest earthquake in the current swarm was measured last night at 01:26. According to USGS the magnitude was 5.7. The event was localized in the northern/northwestern part of Bárðarbunga caldera at 6 km depth.

Most of the seismic activity is close to the rim of Dyngjujökull. The dyke is still migrating to the north and the tip of it is already around 10 km outside of the glacier. Most of the events are at the depth of 8-12 km. However there have been no signs of harmonic tremor.

More detailed information and maps of the latest earthquakes can be found on the IMO website.

Photo/IMO Website
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