„Það er mikil blessun að vera móðir“

Linda Pétursdóttir er á því að móðurhlutverkið sé hennar mesta …
Linda Pétursdóttir er á því að móðurhlutverkið sé hennar mesta blessun.

Samfélagsmiðlar voru líflegir um helgina þar sem mæður voru heiðraðar fyrir hlutverk sitt á mæðradaginn. Það var ýmislegt áhugavert sem kom fram um móðurhlutverkið.

Eins og fram kom í fréttum í gær setti Meghan Markle fram mynd af fótum Archie litla og heiðraði mæður út um víða veröld fyrir hlutverk sitt. Í bakgrunni myndarinnar var blómið „Gleym mér ei“ sem margir telja vera tilvísun í Díönu móður Harry prins. 

Linda Pétursdóttir setti fallegar myndir á samfélagsmiðla þar sem hún greindi frá því að móðurhlutverkið væri hennar helsta blessun. Fjölmiðlakonan Oprah Winfrey, forsetaframbjóðandinn Marianne Williamsson og leikkonan Gwyneth Paltrow settu einnig fram áhugaverðar færslur um hlutverk sitt sem mæður. 

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“I wish you the sweetness of sticky kisses, the fragrance of muddy bouquets of weeds, the simplicity of macaroni necklaces, the warmth of bedtime snuggles, the promise of beautiful tomorrows. I wish you the hope to carry your heart through the hard times, the grace to forgive your inevitable mistakes, the strength to start again every morning, the wisdom to enjoy the journey. I wish you enough joy and laughter in the present to fill the silence that comes too soon when life grows quiet and rooms grow still and your heart beats in constant prayer for the once-small feet that now choose their own path guided by the whisper of their childhood.” L.R.Knost #HappyMothersDay 💞 ————————————————————— Please respect the work of authors, photographers, and artists. You are welcome to share provided you include appropriate credit and do not crop out author’s names from quote memes. Thank you. 🙂 #thegentleparent #peacefulparenting #parenting #children #life #kindness #Jesuslover #humanlover #feminism #socialjustice #equality #globalresponsibility #humanity #peace #sexualassaultsurvivor #cancer #NETcancer #cancerwarrior #books #coffee #quote #LRKnost www.littleheartsbooks.com . Fighting a rare, incurable cancer, but I'm still here!💞 L.R.

A post shared by L.R. Knost (@lrknost) on May 12, 2019 at 12:54am PDT

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Today Mother’s Day we reflect on the most profound role in the world 🌎 the motherhood, the nurturer, the caretaker, the one that gives us all life, the mother. . Her task isn’t always easy as we all know. . It’s an ongoing assignment and often challenging that needs love, compassion, forgiveness, patience, understanding and some more LOVE❤️ . Every single soul needs these nurturing elements so they can shine 🙏🏻 not only children and not only from their caretakers. . You also know, as a mother and a father, that you will never give up on this assignment and you will do whatever it takes so your childs light will shine in this world. . As adults we become our own caretakers. How are you, as your own caretaker, full filling your role? . LOVE WARRIOR ♥️

A post shared by Sara Odds (@sara_odds) on May 12, 2019 at 5:37pm PDT

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Nice try, Joshua. 😂 via @MommyDose

A post shared by Parents (@parents) on May 11, 2019 at 7:30am PDT

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