Áttburarnir orðnir 11 ára

Suleman varð heimsfræg fyrir að eignast áttbura.
Suleman varð heimsfræg fyrir að eignast áttbura. Skjáskot/Instagram

Áttburamamman Natlie Suleman er dugleg að gefa fylgjendum innsýn í líf sitt á Instagram. Suleman vakti heimsathygli árið 2009 fyrir að hafa með hjálp tæknifrjóvgunar eignast áttbura en fyrir átti hún sex börn sem einnig voru getin með aðstoð tæknifrjóvgunar.

Um daginn áttu áttburarnir ellefu ára afmæli og í tilefni af því birti Suleman mynd af þeim og óskaði þeim til hamingju. 

„Þið hafið blessað líf mitt ótrúlega og ég þakka Guði dag hvern fyrir að treysta mér til þess að annast ykkur og hafa áhrif á ykkur. Þið eruð kraftaverkin mín, englarnir mínir og ég mun að eilífu elska ykkar af öllu mínu hjarta,“ skrifar Suleman.

Suleman er grænkeri eða „vegan“ og börnin fylgja líka því matarræði. Hún og börnin elda hreinan vegan mat frá grunni dag hvern og leyfa fylgjendum á Instagram að sjá hvað þau borða. 

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Happy birthday to my beautiful angels. You are some of the kindest, most compassionate, caring human beings I’ve ever known. Words cannot express how grateful I am to be your mother. You all have blessed my life immensely and I thank God daily for trusting me to care for, shape the lives of, and influence all of you. Recent tragic events of loved ones lost are a powerful reminder of how fragile, precarious, yet precious life is, as tomorrow is never promised. We need to hug our loved ones a little longer and a little tighter while they are here. You are my miracles, my angels, and I will love you with all my heart, forever. Happy 11th birthday Noah, Maliyah, Nariyah, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Jonah, Josiah, and Makai. #HappyBirthday #Angels #Blessed 🙏🏽

A post shared by Solomon Family (@nataliesuleman) on Jan 26, 2020 at 8:26pm PST

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My family and I have been asked what we eat on an average day. I must first address that being vegan is not more costly; on the contrary, buying plant based whole foods in bulk is cost effective. The processed foods cost more because you are paying for convenience. We avoid processed foods primarily because they contain a plethora of unnatural ingredients and are unhealthy (simply because a food is vegan doesn’t make it healthy). We cook daily from scratch (Nariyah and Maliyah are slowly taking over as head chefs since they love to cook!), and we only indulge in vegan processed “junk” once per week, which I will share in another post. The goal is to ingest foods with ingredients consisting of the actual food itself, aside from spices. You would be surprised to learn how basic, simple, natural foods such as potatoes, beans, quinoa, and rice (not to mention green leafy vegetables) contain more vitamins, minerals, and protein than any animal product, and can be incredibly tasty too! The Second picture is of preparation (all food is organic and first scrubbed with organic veggie wash): -golden potatoes and yellow onions: Roast in the oven after adding a little spring water in trays, onion powder, garlic powder, Himalayan salt, and black pepper (we eyeball all measurements). -sweet mashed potatoes: simply boil in spring water till soft (never use tap as it becomes more toxic when boiled). Mash (we prefer to keep the skin to preserve more vitamins). Add a dash of cinnamon and even nutmeg, nothing else as they are naturally sweet. -Dried black beans, and dried rainbow beans, cooked separately though the same: Depending on quantity cooked (we make several bags a day!) We dice two large onions for four bags. Soak dried beans in spring water (we soak overnight). Boil beans and onions in spring water, add onion and garlic powder, and Himalayan salt to your liking. -baby spinach and kale salad: salad “dressing” made with avocado, fresh lemon, diced onion, bell pepper, onion and garlic powder, dash of salt and black pepper. Use fresh baby spinach and kale, mix and enjoy! #RealFood #HealthyFood #BasicButDelicious 😋

A post shared by Solomon Family (@nataliesuleman) on Jun 14, 2020 at 7:49pm PDT

Nadya Sulaman fékk mikla athygli víða um heim þegar hún …
Nadya Sulaman fékk mikla athygli víða um heim þegar hún gekk með og fæddi áttbura.
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