Svona býr Anne Hathaway

Anne Hathaway á einstaklega fallegt hús í Kaliforníu.
Anne Hathaway á einstaklega fallegt hús í Kaliforníu.

Leikkonan Anne Hathaway og eiginmaður hennar, Adam Shulman, búa í húsi í Kaliforníu sem líkist einn helst svissneskum fjallakofa. Hjónin eru langt frá því að vera einu stjörnurnar sem hafa átt húsið en á vef Architectural Digest má sjá innlit í húsið. 

Franski fatahönnuðurinn Yves Saint Laurent átti eignina einu sinni sem og leikstjórinn Wes Anderson. Hathaway og Shulman fengu þó arkitekt til liðs við sig þegar þau festu kaup á eigninni og tókst afar vel til.

Viður fær að njóta sín á veggjum sem og múrsteinar. Í sumum herbergjum er viðurinn málaður en arkitektinn segir hjónin ekki vera hrædd við bleika litinn sem má sjá í ýmsum tónum í húsinu. 

Húsið er mjög notalegt eins og sjá má á myndum af samfélagsmiðlum hér fyrir neðan.

Myndin birtist á Instagram-síðu Architectural Digest og sýnir fallegt handverkið …
Myndin birtist á Instagram-síðu Architectural Digest og sýnir fallegt handverkið á heimili hjónanna. skjáskot/Instagram
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Actress @annehathaway and her husband Adam Shulman describe the allure of their picturesque 1906 Swiss chalet–style California home in terms of a love affair. “The minute we came up the driveway and saw this incredible panoramic view unfold in front of us, we were hooked,” Shulman recalls. Says Hathaway, “It was the ideal combination of romance and great design. Our initial instinct was that this was going to be a very important place in our lives. I could really see raising a family here.” For #AD100 designer @pamelashamshiri of Los Angeles’s @studioshamshiri, the fairy-tale architecture provided a jumping-off point for the fanciful, decades-spanning interiors. “We were dealing with a California fantasy of a Swiss chalet, built as a hunting lodge and a winter getaway, so we looked at a lot of historical Swiss imagery,” she explains. See inside the home through the link in our profile. Photo by @stephenkentjohnson; text by @mayer.rus; styled by @michaelreynoldsnyc

A post shared by Architectural Digest (@archdigest) on Sep 5, 2019 at 11:01am PDT

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The California country home of Oscar-winning actress @annehathaway and her husband, jewelry designer Adam Shulman, has an intriguing narrative. In the backstory they imagined for their enchanting 1906 Swiss chalet–style residence, Yves Saint Laurent once owned the property before director Wes Anderson moved in and put his own hipster-twee spin on the house. The fictional origin tale also includes something about Anderson and David Bowie cohosting an annual New Year’s Eve party there. That’s a lot of imagery to process, but Hathaway, Shulman, and their partner in drama, #AD100 designer @pamelashamshiri of Los Angeles’s @studioshamshiri, embraced the challenge with gusto. “Pam really leaned into it,” Hathaway says of the extraordinarily collaborative process of renovating her historic home, which was designed by architects Myron Hunt and Elmer Grey, authors of the San Marino residence of Henry and Arabella Huntington (now the main art gallery of @thehuntingtonlibrary) and other prominent Southern California landmarks. In the kitchen, above, vintage copper pendants and @deborahehrlich lights from above and the range is by @lacornueofficial. Take a tour of the rest of the home via the link in our profile. Photo by @stephenkentjohnson; text by @mayer.rus; styled by @michaelreynoldsnyc

A post shared by Architectural Digest (@archdigest) on Sep 5, 2019 at 5:04am PDT
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