Meghan mætti í eigin fatalínu með skart Díönu

Meghan elskar hvítar skyrtur.
Meghan elskar hvítar skyrtur.

Meghan mætti til vinnu í dag eftir fæðingarorlof og kynnti nýja fatalínu sína sem á að hjálpa konum að komast út á vinnumarkað aftur. Meghan var sjálf klædd í skyrtu og buxur úr línunni þegar hún kynnti fatalínuna með armband og eyrnalokka úr safni Díönu prinsessu. 

Í fatalínunni eru venjuleg föt sem passa vel í vinnu. Þetta eru meðal annars einfaldar flíkur á borð við hvítar skyrtur, svarta jakka, svartar buxur og kjóla. Sjálf var Meghan í hvítri skyrtu úr línunni sem vinkona hennar Misha Nonoo hannaði og í svörtum buxum frá Jigsaw. Skyrtan kostar 125 pund eða um 20 þúsund krónur og buxurnar 120 pund eða um rúmlega 18 þúsund krónur. Skórnir voru öllu dýrari enda frá Jimmy Choo og ekki hluti af línunni.  

Verkefnið er góðgerðarverkefni að því leyti að þegar fólk kaupir eitthvað úr línunni sem hannað er af Jigsaw, John Lewis, Marks & Spencer og vinkonu hennar Mishu Nonoo eru föt gefin til góðgerðarverkefnis sem lánar konum föt til þess að fara í atvinnuviðtöl. 

Meghan var í fötum í eigin línu.
Meghan var í fötum í eigin línu.
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We are so excited to announce the launch of The Smart Set . . Our Royal Patron, HRH The Duchess of Sussex, @sussexroyal and Smart Works have collaborated with leading British fashion designers @johnlewisandpartners , @marksandspencer , @insidejigsaw and @mishanonoo to create a perfect working wardrobe for our Smart Works clients . . The collection consists of the work wear essentials often needed to attend interviews and enter into the workplace: a perfect white shirt, an elegant blazer, well cut trousers, a dress that flatters everyone and the perfect tote . . HRH The Duchess of Sussex commented; “Since moving to the UK, it has been deeply important to me to meet with communities and organisations on the ground doing meaningful work and to try to do whatever I can to help them amplify their impact. When you buy any item in the Smart Set Capsule Collection for Smart Works, the same item will be given to a Smart Works client, and with it, the confidence and support she needs to enter the workforce and take an important step in building a career . . Thank you to the four brands who came together in supporting Smart Works on this special project - placing purpose over profit and community over competition. In convening several companies rather than one, we’ve demonstrated how we can work collectively to empower each other - another layer to this communal success story, that I am so proud to be a part of.”. . Kate Stephens, CEO of Smart Works, said: “The capsule collection will give us the staples we need for our clients in centres across the country for the next six months. We are incredibly grateful to the brands involved for making this possible. Every woman who walks through our door will know that another woman cares about her and has invested in her future.”. . The collection will be available in stores and in Smart Works dressing rooms across the UK from September 12. . For more details head to our Insta Stories and SWIPE UP to read more . . #TheSmartSet Photo © @jennyzarins

A post shared by Smart Works (@smartworkscharity) on Sep 12, 2019 at 5:09am PDT
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