Annar eggjastokkurinn fjarlægður

Lena Dunham þurfti að láta fjarlægja annan eggjastokk sinn.
Lena Dunham þurfti að láta fjarlægja annan eggjastokk sinn. AFP

Girls-stjarnan Lena Dunham hefur talað opinskátt um vandamál sín í tengslum við slæmt legslímuflakk sem hún er með. Hún greindi frá því í febrúar að hún hefði látið fjarlægja úr sér legið og í vikunni var vinstri eggjastokkur hennar fjarlægður. 

Dunham var orðin mjög veik og var meðal annars orðið sársaukafullt fyrir hana að gera venjulega hluti eins og að ganga eða pissa. Síðasta mánuðinn gerði hún ekki mikið annað en að liggja undir sæng. 

Leikkonan var orðin of veik til þess að taka þátt í kynningarstarfi og segir hún að margir hafi skrifað athugasemd á Instagramið hennar og sagt henni hvað hún ætti að gera og af hverju vandamálið væri enn. Fékk hún athugasemdir eins og að legnámið hefði átt að laga verkina og verkirnir væru sálfræðilegir. 

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Yesterday I had a two hour surgery to remove my left ovary, which was encased in scar tissue & fibrosis, attached to my bowel and pressing on nerves that made it kinda hard to walk/pee/vamp. Over the last month it got worse and worse until I was simply a burrito posing as a human. *** My mother took this picture after I spent 9 hours in the post op recovery area with v low blood pressure that the nurses were diligently monitoring. I was so out of it that I thought I looked sensually moody a la Charlotte Rampling (turns out it was more of a constipation vibe.) *** A lot of people commented on my last post about being too sick to finish promoting my show by saying my hysterectomy should have fixed it (I mean *should* is a weird one). That I should get acupuncture and take supplements (I do). That I should see a therapist because it’s clearly psychological (year 25 of therapy, y’all. These are the fruits!) But a big lesson I’ve learned in all of this is that health, like most stuff, isn’t linear- things improve and things falter and you start living off only cranberry juice from a sippy cup/sleeping on a glorified heating pad but you’re also happier than you’ve been in years. I feel blessed creatively and tickled by my new and improved bellybutton and so so so lucky to have health insurance as well as money for care that is off of my plan. But I’m simultaneously shocked by what my body is and isn’t doing for me and red with rage that access to medical care is a privilege and not a right in this country and that women have to work extra hard just to prove what we already know about our own bodies and beg for what we need to be well. It’s humiliating. *** My health not being a given has paid spiritual dividends I could never have predicted and it’s opened me up in wild ways and it’s given me a mission: to advocate for those of us who live at the cross section of physical and physic pain, to remind women that our stories don’t have to look one way, our pain is our gain and oh shit scars and mesh “panties” are the fucking jam. Join me, won’t you? *** 📷 @lauriesimmons

A post shared by Lena Dunham (@lenadunham) on Oct 17, 2018 at 6:47am PDT
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síðasta vika Vinsælustu hljóðbækurnar
Lone Theils
Anna Sundbeck Klav
Birgitta H. Halldórsdóttir
Kristina Ohlsson