Hinrik Ingi gagnrýnir Crossfit-sambandið

Hinrik Ingi Óskarsson á Reykjavík Crossfit Championship nú í vor.
Hinrik Ingi Óskarsson á Reykjavík Crossfit Championship nú í vor. skjáskot/Instagram

Crossfit-kappinn Hinrik Ingi Óskarsson gagnrýnir Crossfit-sambandið í nýrri færslu sinni á Instagram harðlega. Hinrik Ingi féll á lyfjaprófi á vegum sambandsins í byrjun maí síðastliðinn eftir að hann vann sér inn keppnisrétt á Heimsleikunum í Crossfit 2019. 

Hinrik Ingi lenti í 2. sæti á Reykjavík Crossfit Championship-mótinu á eftir Björvini Karli Guðmundssyni sem hafði þá þegar öðlast keppnisrétt á Heimsleikunum. Í kjölfar lyfjaprófsins var Hinrik sviptur keppnisrétti og dæmdur í 4 ára keppnisbann. Hann áfrýjaði niðurstöðunni en hafði ekki erindi sem erfiði.

Hinrik segir í færslunni að hann hafi aldrei notað ólögleg efni en í lyfjaprófi hans í maí mældust tvö ólögleg efni. Hann segir það einnig ósatt að hann hafi fallið á lyfjaprófi áður. Hinrik var dæmdur í tveggja ára keppnisbann eftir að hann neitaði að gangast undir lyfjapróf á Íslandsmeistaramótinu í crossfit árið 2016 og var einnig sviptur titli sínum. 

„Sannleikurinn er sá að vegna persónulegs ágreinings á milli mín og eigenda íslenskra crossfitstöðva leyfðu þeir mér ekki að æfa þar. Svo allar staðhæfingar um að ég hafi fallið á lyfjaprófi í annað sinn eru einfaldlega rangar,“ skrifar Hinrik. 

Hinrik bendir á að alþjóðlega Crossfit-sambandið sé einkarekið og arðsemi sé þeirra megin markmið. „Þau geta í raun ákveðið hvernig þau vilja spila þennan leik og hverja þau vilja sjá keppa á Heimsleikunum. Alvarlegar spurningar vakna til dæmis í kringum lyfjaprófanir þeirra og þá staðreynd að þau ráða hvað þau gera við þau próf sem þau framkvæma,“

Hann lýkur færslunni, sem er í tveimur hlutum, á jákvæðari nótunum og segir að þetta sé ekki í síðasta skipti sem að nafn hans heyrist í Crossfit-heiminum. 

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❗️PART 1 ❗️ I would like to wish all the contestants at the Crossfit Games all the best but at the same time I would like to make the following statement: -
1. I have never used illegal substances and that is why my team and I appealed the outcome of the drug test that was conducted and we continue to look for answers.
2. It is untrue that I had ever failed a drug test before or that I was ever banned by Crossfit International. The truth is that because of personal conflict between me and some other people, owners of some of the Crossfit affiliates in Iceland would not allow me to train there. So all statements that I was failing a drug test for the second time are simply false.
3. After I competed at the Crossfit championships in Iceland in 2016, I was registered on a list that allowed Crossfit to drug test me where and whenever they would so please. I welcomed that decision because I had and have nothing to hide.
4. In May 2019 I got the opportunity to prove myself all over again. I knew for sure that I would be tested at the competition and I would never risk my athletic future and my livelihood, by using illegal substances. My strengths are my motivation, drive and ambitions and therefore I welcomed the opportunity to be tested, but was baffled by the outcome of the test. - ❗️PART 2 in next post❗️➡️

A post shared by Hinrik Ingi Óskarsson 🇮🇸 (@hinrikingi) on Aug 1, 2019 at 5:33am PDT

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❗️PART 1 ❗️ I would like to wish all the contestants at the Crossfit Games all the best but at the same time I would like to make the following statement: -
1. I have never used illegal substances and that is why my team and I appealed the outcome of the drug test that was conducted and we continue to look for answers.
2. It is untrue that I had ever failed a drug test before or that I was ever banned by Crossfit International. The truth is that because of personal conflict between me and some other people, owners of some of the Crossfit affiliates in Iceland would not allow me to train there. So all statements that I was failing a drug test for the second time are simply false.
3. After I competed at the Crossfit championships in Iceland in 2016, I was registered on a list that allowed Crossfit to drug test me where and whenever they would so please. I welcomed that decision because I had and have nothing to hide.
4. In May 2019 I got the opportunity to prove myself all over again. I knew for sure that I would be tested at the competition and I would never risk my athletic future and my livelihood, by using illegal substances. My strengths are my motivation, drive and ambitions and therefore I welcomed the opportunity to be tested, but was baffled by the outcome of the test. - ❗️PART 2 in next post❗️➡️

A post shared by Hinrik Ingi Óskarsson 🇮🇸 (@hinrikingi) on Aug 1, 2019 at 5:33am PDT

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síðasta vika Vinsælustu hljóðbækurnar
Lone Theils
Anna Sundbeck Klav
Birgitta H. Halldórsdóttir
Kristina Ohlsson